Monarch Mami is a community conservation project aimed at supporting and sustaining the habitat of the Monarch Butterfly population as well as other critical pollinators in North America. Through community action, together we can plant seeds of hope for future generations.
The population of Monarch Butterflies is in decline and one major factor is loss of habitat. Milkweed plants are where Monarch's lay their eggs and are the only food source for Monarch caterpillars... but native Milkweed has become scarce along the Monarch's migration route, let's change that.
The purpose of Monarch Mami is to raise awareness about the population decline of our butterflies and other pollinators, to encourage people to plant native milkweed and other pollinator friendly native plants in their community, and to improve future survival conditions of the Monarch Butterfly by actively strengthening and expanding their habitat, together.
In the Summer of 2024, hosting Monarch caterpillars fell into my lap by way of fate. I wanted to support a fellow naturalist who had a bunch of hungry caterpillars and not enough milkweed. I offered to help and began this incredible journey of wonder watching the development of these caterpillars under my staircase, turn into butterflies. The process filled me with childlike fascination and joy, I couldn't help but share it with everyone that would listen. This experience led to me learn more about these amazing creatures, from their miraculous growth cycle, to their incredible migration patterns, and the harsh truth of their declining population and the human impacts causing it. All of these elements were a catalyst for starting this community conservation project. I believe that by working together to plant milkweed and other nectar producting native plants, and raising caterpillars, together we can help support the monarch popluation not only survive but stabilize and thrive for generations to come. By taking part in this project, my goal is for people to understand that while death and rebirth are natural and can be beautiful to witness, extinction is not.